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third order neuron

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Q: What is neurons associated with sensory receptor?
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Why can people perceive a sensation despite missing the sense receptor?

Because perception occurs in the brain, and neurons can be fired by other associated neurons, and even spontaneously, as in a sensory deprivation tank.

First order sensory neurons?

First order sensory neurons begin in the receptor, travel to dorsal/posterior gray horn of the spinal cord where they synapse with the second order sensory neurons.

What specialized neurons detect sensory energy from the outside world?


Does visceral reflex arcs have two sensory neurons?

No, it has 2 visceral motor neurons. A visceral reflex has a receptor, a sensory neuron, a processing center, and 2 visceral motor neurons.

Neurons that detect stimuli in the environment are known as?

Sensory (afferent) neurons

What is another name for afferent neuron?

sensory neuron or receptor neuron.

What are the five parts of a reflex arc?

Summarized below are the 5 major components of the reflex arc: 1. Receptor 2. Afferent (sensory) neurons 3. Association neuron 4. Efferent (motor) neurons 5. Effector

What is the minimum number of neurons required to carry information from a sensory receptor to the somatosensory cortex?


What is the receptor of a reflex arc?

Sensory receptor located at the distal end of a neuron or an associated sensory structure. When stimulated it creates a receptor potential, when that reaches its threshold, it will trigger 1 or more nerve impulses in the sensory neuron.

What are neurons called that detect stimuli in the skin and eye?

sensory neurons

What are the three types of neurone involved in a reflex action?

The three types of neurons are sensory(afferant) neurons, interneurons, and motor(efferant) neurons. Sensory, or afferent, neurons send information from the receptor to the central nervouse system. Interneurons, found only in the central nervous system, play the role of interpretting the impulse. The motor, or efferent, neurons send the information from the central nervous system to the effector. Receptor->sensory neuron->interneuron->motor neuron->effector.

Is Ganglia associated with afferent nerve fibers contain cell bodies of sensory neurons?
