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No Fault Divorce is not a considered item in the establishment of child support. However, it should be noted that Florida no longer has an age limit on when child support ends, so it must be addressed in the order.

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Q: What is no fault state in Florida in regards to child support?
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What happens when you get fired from your job in Florida and you can't afford child support?

You go to court to have the support order modified. Or you just stop paying it and go to jail. Your choice. It's not your child's fault you got fired, and it's not like they suddenly stop needing to eat. At the very least you should be paying as much of your child support as you can.

Both parents lost their jobs by no fault of their own How is child support determined?

Base on their unemployment benefits

Why men pay child support if the women is at fault?

Under current law, there are no grounds for not establishing child support, even in cases where the woman stole the semen to impregnate herself, or got pregnant by having sex with an underage boy.

In AZ - how do you stop auto payroll deductions for child support when the child is no longer a minor?

Go to child support enforcement and make an official request that the order be modified. However, in recent months, it has been learned the the state is not counting 8% of weekly child support deductions as paid support due to a computer glitch, so you may find you are in arrears through no fault of your own but are still held accountable.

How do you change your child's age on ROBLOX?

you cannot change your age even if you ask roblox support

What happen in ga if you lost your job and had a heart attact will you go to jaiL ON CHILD SUPPORT?

In any state, including Georgia, if you lose your job due to something that was not your fault, such as a heart attack, you will not go to jail for failure to pay child support. However, it is up to you to notify the court of your problem and to petition the court for a change in or suspension of child support.

What day does support group take place in the fault in our stars?

The support group in "The Fault in Our Stars" takes place on Wednesdays.

Can one parent keep you from seeing the other parent who is not paying child support?

No, it is not the child's fault, they still need the bonding effects of both parents. The other parent although not paying support is still subject to pay other bills until you can get them to court, which would also clear up the issue of keeping the child from the other.

Do I have to pay for damages to a vehicle you collided with in no-fault state Florida -if the accident was deemed my fault and i had no insurance?


Can you sue walmart if a bench fell on your child's face?

it was your child's fault

Who is at fault if a car hits a child on a bike that just came out of a driveway in Georgia?

If the child was following the rules of the road the striking vehicle is at fault.

What are the benefits of Florida no fault car Insurance?

Florida's no fault car insurance pertains to medical payments. The insurance states that the insurance company will pay for your bodily injury claims regardless of who was at fault for the accident. Damage done to property (i.e. the car) would still be covered by the at fault party. The Florida no fault car insurance is a benefit because one does not have to worry about not having their medical needs covered because the accident was the fault of the other party and they do not have sufficient insurance.