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The hierarchy in the scalar pyramid of authority with clear lines and levels of authority between the top,middle and lower organisational and functional management.

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Q: What is non-overlapping lines of authority?
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What is Nonoverlapping Magisteria NOMA?

Stephen Jay Gould proposed the concept of Nonoverlapping Magisteria (NOMA). He said that the domain or magisterium for science is the empirical realm - what the universe is made from and why it works the way it does. He said that the magisterium of religion includes the ultimate meaning and moral values. These magisteria are nonoverlapping - science does not comment on the ultimate meaning of life, while religion should not comment on the natural world. If accepted, this concept takes questions about creation and evolution out of the religious magisterium.

Are the informal lines of authority charted on an organizational chart?

It depends on what you are trying to show on your organizational chart. Some charts show only formal organizations, other charts include informal lines of authority and external entities. It is your choice.

What purpose does organization chart serve?

to show the lines of responsiblity & authority within a business.

Who is responsible for trees hanging on cable and telephone lines?

The authority concerned and the owner of the tree.

District lines for the House of Representatives are drawn by the authority?

of the state governments

What is the maximum number of nonoverlapping squares with sides of length 3 that will fit inside of a square with sides of length 6?


When a manager lays out the the lines of authority and responsibility between different individuals and groups he manager is?


Within a health care facility the lines of authority and communicatin are demostrated by means of?

An organizational chart