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It's a cancer which can't be cured. Joking .. I don't know either

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Q: What is non-specific reactive hyperplasia?
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What is A nonspecific marker of inflammation associated with cardiovascular disease?

c-reactive protein

What is polymorphous population of lymphocytes consistent with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia?

A polymorphous population of lymphocytes is usually a good sign; More of a reactive process. A monomorphic population is suspicious for lymphoma. Hope this helps.

Can you give me a sentence using the word hyperplasia?

hyperplasia is severe medical condition. Your organs swell and increase in size.

What is pseudo epitheliomatous hyperplasia?

oral lesion that may show pseudo epitheliomatous hyperplasia

Which is part of nonspecific immunity?

Inflammation and fever are nonspecific immune system reactions.

Can you give me a sentence with nonspecific?

I'm having a bit of a problem accepting your nonspecific example.

If the prostate enlarges and decreases the urithral what is that called?

Benign prostatic Hyperplasia ( BPH) Benign prostatic Hyperplasia ( BPH)

Do hyperplasia of muscle cells occur in all muscle types?

Hyperplasia affects the all types of muscle cells.

What are the bodies nonspecific defenses against pathogens?

Your body's most important nonspecific defense is the skin. Other nonspecific defenses include mucus, sweat, and tears.

What is the opposite of nonspecific?


What is the difference between pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and epithelial hyperplasia?

Type your answer here... Pseudoepithelimatous hyperplasia histologically mimics squamous cell carcinoma but its not in case of epithelial hyperplasia.Eg of former includes histoplasmosis,blastomycosis,Tb,Syphilis etc..