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a non native species is a species that isn't within a certain ecosystem.

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Kip Strosin

Lvl 13
2y ago
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10y ago

A nonnative animal that moves into a place is invasive. Nonnative species can have many effects on the local ecosystem.

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Q: What is non native species?
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Difference between native and non native species?

The difference between native and non-native species is that native species are from that area and non-native species are not from that area.

What is Non-Native?

a non native species is a species that isn't within a certain ecosystem.

What is a non native?

a non native species is a species that isn't within a certain ecosystem.

What non native species to the ocean?

Whales. (And I believe you mean "What is a non-native species to the ocean?")

How can non-native species affect the survival of native species?

they have effect on it by eating and killing all the native species

What are non native species in the temperate deciduous forests?

Non native species in the temperate deciduous forests are species that were not born in a there but moved there later on.

What is a nonnative species?

A species that does not normally live in an area

How does non-native and invasive species impact population size?

Non-native and invasive species can impact population size by outcompeting native species for resources, preying on native species, disrupting ecosystem dynamics, and spreading diseases. They can lead to declines in native populations by altering habitats and food availability. In some cases, invasive species can even drive native species to extinction.

How are non-native species detrimental to ecosystems?

Non-native species can outcompete native species for resources, disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, introduce new diseases that native species are not immune to, and cause habitat destruction. This can lead to declines in native species populations and alter the overall biodiversity and functioning of the ecosystem.

True or false when non native species enter an ecosystem they usually occupy unfilled niches?

True. Non-native species often fill ecological niches in new ecosystems because they are not in direct competition with native species for resources. This can lead to displacement or extinction of native species.

Why are non-native species dangerous to ecosystems?

Sometimes a non-native species can be introduced into an environment as a way to address an environmental problem. Other times these are introduced by accident.

Are all non - native species invasive?

No, not all non-native species are invasive. Penguins brought to a sandy desert would most certainly die very quickly.