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Q: What is normal range of Mononucleosis for adults?
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What is normal pulse range for adults?

It depends on the person but typically 60-100 is within normal ranges.

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Becauas it is different

What is the normal serum pH range in adults?

Normal serum pH is slightly alkaline and ranges from 7.35-7.45

How many people per year get mononucleosis?

how many people get mononucleosis per year and whats the normal age to get it?

What are the demograhics of mononucleosis?

Mononucleosis can affect anyone, regardless of their race, age or gender. It is, however, most common in teenagers and young adults because of their sometimes indiscriminate sharing of germs.

Is lymph count of 24.7 high or low?

If you mean lymphocyte, as a percent of total white cells the normal range for adults is 18-40%. 21% is toward the low end but falls within the normal range.

What is the normal range of PAO2 - PaO2 for healthy young adults breathing room air?

10 - 15 mm Hg.

Wbc is at 2700 what does it mean?

it's very high. normal levels (in adults) range from 4,300 - 10,800 (or 4.3 - 10.8)

What is the normal range of temperature for adults?

98.6 degrees F.

What is normal pulse rate range for adults?

A normal resting heart rate for a healthy adult is 70 bpm (beats per minute).

What is the normal range ?

What is the normal range?

Why is there a normal range for the general population?

Because people vary. As an example, adults have different heights. You can decide what you think is normal. You could choose, for example 80% of the people. In doing that, you have decided that 80% of the people are within the normal range of heights. So about 10% of people will be shorter than that, and 10% taller than that.