

What is not pronoun they she i over?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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The word 'over' is not a pronoun.

The words they, she, and I are pronouns, words that take the place of a noun in a sentence.

The word 'over' is an adverb and a preposition.

  • An adverb is a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
  • A preposition is a word that connects its object to another word in a sentence.


My neighbor came over for a visit. (adverb, modifies the verb 'came')

I hung the mirror over the sink. (preposition, connects the noun 'sink' to the verb 'hung')

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The noun phrase is: That woman over thereThe pronoun that can take the place of the noun phrase: sheEx: She will help.

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No. Chairs would be replaced by 'it' to be an object pronoun.

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The noun that a pronoun replaces is called its antecedent.The antecedent can be a noun or a pronoun.The antecedent can be a subject or an object in a sentence.

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