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Q: What is number of chromosome in coffee plant?
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Does chromosome number indicate whether an organism is a plant or animal?


Does chromosome number appear to correlate to the type of organism?

No. Just number of chromosomes cannot indicate whether the organism is a plant or an animal.

Is a chromosome an animal cell or plant cell?

A chromosome contains genetic material in both plant and animal cells.

What is the modal chromosome number?

The modal chromosome number is the most common chromosome number within a population or sample.

How does the chromosome number in a diploid cell differ from the chromosome number in a haploid cell?

The chromosome number in hapliod cell is 1 while the dipliod chromosome has 2

Is there a chromosome in a plant cell?

of course

What plant grows coffee beans?

The coffee plant.

What chromosome number is diabetes type 2?

Chromosome number 20.

Do coffee and chocolate come from same plant?

No they do not Coffee comes from the coffee plant or tree, chocolate is a derivitive from the cocoa plant, and its fruit, the cocoa bean.

How do coffee beans help the plant?

Coffee beans are coffee seeds. They help the plant by making new coffee plants. What you buy at the store is roasted coffee seeds.

How does the significance of meiosis maintained the chromosome number?

No. Meiosis results in halving of chromosome number. Chromosome number after one round of meiosis is half that of original chromosome number. Generally, meiosis takes place during gamete formation. So when two gametes fuse, they lead to restoration of the chromosome number. Hence chromosome number can be maintained in sexually reproducing organisms.