

What is number one component of plasma membrane?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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lipids and cholesterol

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Q: What is number one component of plasma membrane?
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What type of Phospholipids that make up the plasma membrane?

the one in plasma membrane

Which of the following is not a basic component of a cell membrane. Microvilli Plasma Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm?

if it can be more than one, it would be the nucleus and cytoplasm, if not, then nucleus because it is an extreme outlier.

Where is the plasma membrane?

Plasma membrane is the same as "cell membrane" it's one of the four characteristics of all cells. So plasma membrane is found "coating" the outside of all cells.

What are the specializations of the plasma membrane?

The plasma membrane has one very specific function: Control over what enters or leaves the cell.

What is diffusion and how does it relate to plasma membrane?

Diffusion is simply the movement of one molecule from an area of high concentration to low concentration. It is semi related to the plasma membrane because plasma membrane does allow diffusion, to an extent. Plasma membrane is semipermeable and only allows certain things to diffuse in or diffuse out.

Is a phospholipid found in a plasma membrane?

Yes, that is why one of the membrane's names is, phospholipid bilayer.

Which function does the lipid bilayer component of the plasma membrane NOT provide for the cell?

The functions that the lipid bilayer component of the cell membrane does not provide for the cell are controls that exchange of mater and chemical information between one cell and adjacent cells or environment. The lipid bilayer provides an impermeable, self sealing membrane capable of dividing or fusing the cell without breaking.

What moves marerials across the plasma membrane in the direction of the concentration?

Active transportation is the material that across plasma membrane. This makes it flow one way.

Protein attached to only one side of the plasma membrane?

Plasma membrane is made up of proteins and phospholipids. Integral protein are attached fully on the membarne region. whereas the periphera protein bind on the surface (one side or top) of the membrane.

How would you differentiate the plasma membrane and the other organelles?

The plasma membrane is the cell barrier, the organelles are all the things floating around inside that barrier

What regulates which substances enter and leave a cell?

The plasma membrane. Carrier proteins and ion channels are parts of the plasma membrane, and aid in diffusion across concentration gradients, as most things don't freely move from one end of the cell membrane to the other. The Sodium-Potassium pump is a major ion channel in the plasma membrane, and regulates the intake of potassium and export of sodium (3 molecules sodium out, 2 molecules potassium in.)

Where is the plasma membrane found?

The cell membrane is the outer boundary of animal cells and plant cells, but plant cells also have a cell wall to protect their cells. The cell membrane and cell walls are the outer boundaries of cells.