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Q: What is Oak Wilt Season and why shouldn't you cut oak trees?
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What tree has acorns?

Acorns are the fruit of the oak tree.

What tree does an acorn come from?

An Oak treeAcorns come from oak trees.

Do oak trees have conkers?

No oak trees have acorns.

Can you prune a pin oak in spring?

No, it's a bad idea to prune a pin oak in spring, as you may be increasing the chances of its infestation by the fungus oak wilt. Better to prune it when dormant. By the time oak wilt is diagnosed, it is too late to save the tree.

What are the uses of oak trees?


Why do oak trees grow in winter?

In temperate climates (Britain's weather), the growing season of oak trees is from the warming up of Spring to the cooling down of Autumn. Having lost their leaves in Autumn, the oak trees are shutting down, and will only wake when the sap begins to rise again with the warming and lengthening hours of daylight.

Are oak trees leaves compound?

Oak trees have simples leaves

Are there oak trees in Ireland?

Yes. There are a lot of oak trees and many other kinds of trees in Ireland. Derry, an Irish county, is called the "Oak Leaf" county and has an oak leaf as an emblem, because of the amount of oak trees that it once had.

What kind of plants are their in the forest?

There are Oak Trees, Birch Trees, Dark Oak Trees etc.

Do oak trees have eggs and sperm?

No, Oak trees do not have eggs and sperm. Trees grow through seeds which fall from parent trees and they do not reproduce with mates.

What is made of oak?

Oak trees.

Can you graft oak trees?

Yes. Oak trees can be grafted the same way fruit trees are grafted.