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Q: What is observation techniques?
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What is fact finding techniques?

# sampling of existing documentation. # research and site visits. # observation of the work enviroment. # questionaire.

What are the assessment techniques used in massage therapy?

Assessment techniques include observation of posture and gait, as well as tactile techniques of palpation of body tissues, this includes feeling for trigger and tender points in the muscle tissues.

What are two techniques used for conducting area reconnaissance?

Long-range and short-range observation and surveillance.

What constitutes a science?

When observation is present and various experimental techniques are employed to determine the cause of what's observed.

What is focal sampling?

Focal Sampling: is the name given to systematic observation techniques in which the observer concentrates on just one individual.

What are the tools and techniques of evaluation in education?

Tools and techniques of evaluation in education include tests, quizzes, assessments, rubrics, surveys, observations, interviews, and portfolios. These tools are used to measure student learning, evaluate teaching effectiveness, and inform instructional improvements. It is important to use a combination of tools and techniques to obtain a comprehensive understanding of student progress and educational outcomes.

What is the traditional techniques of management control?

1) personal observation 2) statistical report 3) break even analysis 4)budgetary control

What is the difference between conducting market survey and market observation?

Market survey can be done using different techniques such as preparing questionnaires,direct contact with customers whereas in market observation the needs and wants of the customers are simply done by observing as to what they buy or what do they prefer

What are the most common research methods used in advertising?

Four common types of market research techniques include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and customer observation.

What are the alternatives to hemangioma excision?

observation ("watchful waiting"), treatment with steroids during the proliferation stage to shrink the tumor and speed the involution process, and laser surgery techniques

What is Vipassana?

Means to SEE THINGS AS THEY REALLY ARE. Its one of the most ancient techniques of meditation in India.Vipassana is a way of self-transformation through self-observation, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was rediscovered by Gautama Buddha (c. 563 - c. 483 BC).

Define the type of observation of a qualitative observation?

a quatitive observation is a observation that you can look at