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Extended ASCII is 8-bit encoding which is wider than standard ASCII and also includes all characters from standard ASCII encoding.

ASCII is 7-bit, 128 possible values; Extended ASCII is 8-bit , 256 possible value;

128 first characters of Extended ASCII is the same as ASCII, next 128 are additional. This why it is called Extended ASCII.

What is ASCII?

ASCII is mainly English language characters encoding, that is used for representation of text information.

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How many bits are in extended ASCII byte?

An extended ASCII byte (like all bytes) contains 8 bits, or binary digits.

What are the similarities between ascii-7 and ascii-8?

First of all ASCII is encoding system that tells how binary data from file could be represented as text. Is was and still is very widely used starting 1960s. Standard ASCII encoding is 7-bits encoding allowing 128 values, while Extended ASCII is 8-bits encoding which allows 256 values, that is 128 more characters in the table. First 128 Extended ASCII table characters is the same as ASCII table, next 128 is additional characters.

Is ASCII codes vary machine to machine?

No.ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It couldn't be called a standard if it varied from machine to machine.Note that this only applies to the core ASCII values. Some machines/programs/formats will use a subset or extended set of ASCII codes.

Is Alphanumeric Characters Is A Well-defined Set?

Not really, since there are several such sets. It really depends what characters you choose to include. In computers, there is the set of ASCII characters, several extended ASCII sets, the Unicode set, and several others.

Show how your surname would be stored using ASCII code?

Stored? It would not be stored as ASCII -- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is in common use in the US (EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code is another type of ASCII and is used in many European countries.)My name is, for example, Bill TheCat - TheCat is my surname and is represented (not stored) in ASCII as "TheCat". Computers store data as 0s and 1s (in BINARY, which is not the same as EBCDIC) format.

What is the difference between 7-bit ASCII and 8-bit ASCII?

ASCII is a 7 bit code developed and standardized by the telegraph industry for use on teletypes as a replacement for their older Baudot 5 bit code. The computing industry when they adopted ASCII extended it in several different nonstandard ways to an 8 bit code because after 1964 (when the IBM System 360 was introduced) the standard computer memory unit had become the 8 bit byte.

What is it called when your computer doesn't recognize a character and it shows up as a square?

it means that the character you were trying to wrrite was an extended ascii character which isn't supported in you computer

What is that EBCDIC?

EBCDIC is Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. It was the character encoding scheme developed and used by IBM. EBCDIC is completely overshadowed by ASCII and ASCII's big brother, Unicode. EBCDIC is very difficult to use, as the alphabet is non-contiguous and the encoding makes no logical sense.

Where do you find an ASCII table?

Websites such as and provide ascii tables on their websites, along with toher information about ascii codes, their uses, and how to use them.

What is the ASCII value of 92?

\ is the character for 92 in ASCII.

How many ascii code are there?

128 ascii codes.

Type of antifreeze for 1996 cadillac deville?

extended life "red coolant' Tell the people at the parts store and they will get you the oem coolant (do not mix red and green)