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a bulb

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Q: What is of the hair strand is embedded in the hair follicle?
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What is the hair strand is embedded in the hair follicle?

a bulb

What of the hair strand is embedded in the hair follicle?

a bulb

Where does a strand of hair develop?

A strand of hair develops within a hair follicle, which is located in the skin. Hair follicles are structures within the skin that house the hair root and support the growth of hair.

What is a sac from which hair grows?

The root is part of hair embedded in the follicle in dermis. It has an attached smooth muscle which can contract causing the hair to stand up right. This causes the skin to form a slight bump which we call a 'goose bump'.

Is it ok to peel your split ends?

No. If the hair follicle splits all the way to the end, you will lose that strand of hair. It's a bad habit, try your best to stop!

Do cows have hair or fur -?

Both, technically - hair is the accepted notation for the protein strand created by a follicle and unique to mammals. Fur is a dense covering of hair such that practically all skin is covered.

The difference between hair and hair follicle?

a hair folicle is the root of the hair which is located in the lower part of the dermis. It is also connected to the arrector pili muscle. Hair is better known as the hair shaft and is the part inside of the hair folicle that comes out through the very top layer of skin and only fractionally protects our skin from sunlight

Can hair follicles fall out along with the shed hair If not what is the black bump at the end of the hair?

The white bump is called the hair bulb. It sits inside the follicle and is the beginning of the hair strand. The hair bulb is where the dead cells that make up hair are connected with live cells from the body. The follicle is part of your skin so it can't "fall out" but it can become damaged. Illness, sun damage, repeated waxing or tweezing are the most common reasons for follicle damage. There are three phases in the life of hair, a growing phase, a resting phase, and a loss phase. Usually, a healthy person will have 90% of their hair growing, 10-14% of their hair resting, and 10% of their hair falling out at any time.

What does a hair follicle do?

the hair follicle is a skin organ that produces hair.

Why does hair lighten with age?

As we get older, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color.

What is the follicle of the hair?

The hair bulb is the lowest area or part of the hair strand. It's the thickened, club-shaped structure that forms the lower part of the hair root. The lower part of the hair bulb fits over & covers the dermal papilla.

Which part of a hair can be analyzed for DNA?

hair follicle