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Less 'Biomass' (waste) has be put into landfill.

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3mo ago

One advantage of biomass energy is that it is a renewable source of energy, as biomass materials can be replenished through sustainable practices like planting crops or forests.

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Taking the earth as a whole is there a greater biomass of autotrophs or a greater biomass of heterotrophs?

There is a greater biomass of autotrophs on Earth, as they are the primary producers that convert sunlight into energy which sustains the entire food chain. Heterotrophs depend on autotrophs for their energy and biomass.

Who invented biomass?

Biomass as a source of energy has been used for centuries, but it was not invented by a single individual. Humans have been using biomass, such as wood and other organic materials, for energy purposes for thousands of years. biomass has been a significant energy source globally, providing heat, electricity, and transportation fuels.

What is one disadvantage of using biomass?

One disadvantage of using biomass is that it can compete with food production for land and resources, leading to potential conflicts between food and energy needs.

How does the environment produce biomass energy?

The environment produces biomass energy through the natural process of photosynthesis, where plants convert sunlight into chemical energy in the form of biomass. This biomass can then be harvested and processed into energy sources such as biofuels, biogas, and wood pellets. These renewable energy sources can be used to generate electricity, heat buildings, or power vehicles.

How does biomass change as you go up the pyramid?

Biomass decreases as you move up the pyramid due to the loss of energy through metabolic processes and heat production at each trophic level. As energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next, only a fraction is incorporated into the biomass of the organisms, leading to a decrease in biomass as you move up the pyramid.

Related questions

Give one advantage of coal rather than biomass as a fuel?

One advantage of coal over biomass as a fuel is its higher energy density. Coal contains more energy per unit of weight or volume compared to biomass, making it more efficient for generating electricity or heat.

What counties use biomass energy?

no one uses biomass energy

One advantage of using fossil fuels rather than biomass?

One advantage of using fossil fuels is their higher energy density, which means they can provide more energy per unit volume or weight compared to biomass.

Where is biomass energy used now?

Biomass energy is widely used. One state that uses biomass is Oregon.

How can biomass energy be renewable?

Every time you burn one tree worth of biomass, you plant another tree.

Is biomass energy available everywhere?

biomass energy is located everywhere on this planet!

Taking the earth as a whole is there a greater biomass of autotrophs or a greater biomass of heterotrophs?

There is a greater biomass of autotrophs on Earth, as they are the primary producers that convert sunlight into energy which sustains the entire food chain. Heterotrophs depend on autotrophs for their energy and biomass.

How many watts of energy does biomass produce?

The amount of energy produced by biomass can vary depending on the type of biomass and the conversion technology used. On average, biomass energy production can range from 1 to 10 watts per gram of biomass.

What are some facts on biomass?

Actually, one interesting fact is that biomass supplies 14% of the world's primary energy consumption.

2 reasons why biomass energy is not good energy source?

Biomass energy can lead to deforestation and habitat destruction if not managed sustainably. Biomass energy production can release significant amounts of greenhouse gases and air pollutants, contributing to environmental degradation and air quality issues.

Is coal biomass?

It is a biomass becauseit is burned for energy.

Two ways to release biomass energy?

if u burn Biomass it will turn into energy