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One bad thing about using fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) is that they are causing global warming.

Fossil fuels are not a renewable energy source and will eventually run out. They are produced underground which takes years. The problem is we are using fossil fuels quicker than they're made. Its another good reason to use solar energy because the its considered renewable a it will not run out for thousands of years!

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Q: What is one bad thing about using a fossil fuel for a source of electricity?
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Is electricity made of fossil fuels?

No. Some electricity is made by using fossil fuels. There's a difference.

What source of electricity that we are using at school and home?

This would be either electricity or natural gas, it varies from place to place.

What are the disadvantages of using fossil fuels to create electricity?

You could run out!

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Water is used to tun a turbine. It is used instead of using fossil fuels to burn water to turn a turbine.

How is electricity generated in a power station by using fossil fuels?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) is used to boil water. The steam is used to spin electricity turbines and this generates electricity.

Is oil good to make electricity with?

Kinda-sorta, but not really. Oil is very effective as an energy source fofr turning into electricity- But it is a fossil fuel. THis means that eventually it'll run out, and using it releases pollution and greenhouse gasses into the air.

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What is the disadvantage of using fossil fuels to generate electricity?

it releases greenhouse gases into the atomosphere.

Can you make electricity without burning fossil fuels?

yeah you can make electricity by using wind, solar (sun) water (waves)

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Using lights less uses less electricity. Most of the electricity that powers lights comes from power plants that burn fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels is the largest contributor to air pollution.

How much CO2 does your dryer produce?

It depends on how much electricity it is using. Most electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels, which produces carbon dioxide.