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Weather changes. Wind does not blow all the time, and it does not blow at the same speed all the time, so the power output of a wind turbine is not as predictable as that of a fossil fuel burning power plant, where you have the option of using however much fuel you want, at any given time.

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What is one disadvantage of using windmills to generate electricity?

Well, the answer is quite simple. Look outside your window. Is it sunny? You may only feel a breeze, which is not quite enough for the kinetic energy in the wind to be converted to kinetic energy in the windmill. The strength of wind is not constant. Moreover, there will be times when no electricity can be generated.

How about others? Windmills are unsightly structures and unpleasant to look at. Furthermore, they may be noisy.

Hope this helps!

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Where do power companies get their electricity from?

They generate it by converting mechanical energy to electrical energy using generators inside power plants.

What are the disadvantages of using ammeter and voltmeter?

The disadvantage of using a voltmeter and ammeter on circuit measurements is that internal burden in both these instruments can affect circuit operation so much as to make a measurement useless.

What is the disadvantage of ac current?

Alternating current is very advantageous! If you have a need for more information please read some of the Related Questions shown below. If you wish, please ask a more detailed question giving a bit more information as to what you need to know and why. [Trying to answer this question as it is stated without having more information would be as hard as trying to answer questions like "What is the disadvantage of using water?" "What is the disadvantage of swimming?", etc.]

Do power stations use heat to generate electricity?

Yes most power stations do use heat to generate electricity. Heat energy of the fuel (e.g. burning coal, burning oil, nuclear fission) is utilized to heat water present in the boiler. This heating generates steam, which is then utilized to run the turbine. However some power stations get the energy to generate electricity without using heat (e.g. hydroelectric dams, wind power, sea wave power, solar cell generation systems).

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What is a disadvantage of using windmills as a source of energy?

They are incredibly inefficient.

What is one advantage of using windmills to generate electricity?

They do not produce waste products that cause pollution.

How will wind be used in 2138?

energy in the form of electricity is generate using windmills for this propose wind farms have been established.

What are the disadvantages of using wind turbine to generate electricity?

Lack of wind is the main disadvantage.

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Do small personal windmills generate enough electricity for my whole house?

Each house is different and there are many things to take into account when thinking of using windmills to power your house. You have to take into consideration how much power you use and how much wind your area gets when calculating how many windmills you will need. It can take up to 8 windmills to power the average house.

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Wind power refers to actually using the wind to create energy (think windmills). Hydro power refers to using currents and dams + turbines to generate energy.

What are the advantage of using windmills?

The energy to run them is FREE!!!

Where is wind located and how wind is recovered?

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Windmills produce electricity by using what source of energy?

The wind.