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Q: What is one example of a wave with low quantum energy?
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An example of a low energy electromagnetic wave is?


What is an example of a low energy electromagnetic wave is?

The lower the frequency is, the less energy the electromagnetic wave carries. The wavelength is just (186,282 divided by the frequency) miles, or (300,000 divided by the frequency) kilometers.

What is one low energy electromagnetic wave?

Radio waves. But the question should be, "What is one type of low energy electromagnetic wave?"

A wave with high amplitude?

Has more energy than a wave with low amplitude.

Who showed that energy is a form of wave?

Schrodinger. After Einstein had shown light 'photons' were discrete 'wave bundles' or 'corpuscles' (and won his Nobel prize for that). Erwin Schrodinger found a simpler solution to the uncertainty of quantum mechanics than Heisenbergs mathematical 'matrix mechanics' involving waves.Light from a supernova will propagate through the quantum energy field of space at the speed of light 'c' in every direction, the 'wave front' forming an expanding spherical shape, called the Schrodinger sphere.The wave is a measure of the likelihood of finding an amount or 'particle' of mass/energy - high at the peak and low in the trough.

Does a high frequency wave transmit more energy than a low frequency wave?


Does a high wavelength have more energy than a low wavelength?

Your terminologies are inconsistent. Wave lengths are not high and low. They are long and short. Short wave (UHF) radio for example. There are two wave characteristics that can be termed high and low: amplitudes and frequencies. Assuming group S wave characteristics (e.g., water and light beam waves) the higher frequency and higher amplitude waves carry the most energy. Ditto for group P wave characteristics (e.g., seismic waves).

Why does a wave with a large amplitude carry more energy than one with small amplitude?

It is the same as why an object at higher place had more energy than one on the floor. Energy is the difference of potential, for kinetic energy example it is the height, greater height is greater energy. For the wave, energy could be stored in amplitude and frequency. Low amplitude or no amplitude is no energy and any amplitude higher than the zero amplitude would have more energy.

What is one example of a low frequency wave?

I have no idea so help me out people!

What is an example of low quality energy?


If wave amplitudes are equal will high-frequency waves carry more or less energy than low-frequency waves?

if wave amplitudes are equal ,will high frequency waves carry more or less energy than low frequency waves

What was The quantum theory of energy levels within atoms was aided by?

The quantum theory of energy levels within atoms was aided by the emission spectrum. When excited with light, different elements emitted photons of different frequencies. The frequencies were different because the energy difference from excited to low energy state was different depending on the element.