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Process heat and electricity generation.

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Q: What is one good use of a nuclear reactor?
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What were some of the uses for the first nuclear reactor?

The very first nuclear reactor was Chicago Pile 1. It was built for research and scientific use. The first nuclear reactor outside of a university was built (at Hanford, Washington) primarily to yield plutonium for the atomic bomb destined for Nagasaki, Japan. Nuclear reactors were built primarily for electrical generation beginning in about 1951.

What is the use of reactor transformer in furnace?

Stabilise the arc and optimize the operation of the furnace.

Can an improperly managed nuclear plant explode like a nuclear weapon?

No. A nuclear weapon requires a critical amount of highly enriched fuel to be rapidly brought together to cause a sudden explosion. Nuclear plants use low enriched fuel which could never cause a nuclear explosion, and this fuel is dispersed through the reactor in any case so it could not suddenly come together. Any nuclear plant explosions (like Chernobyl) are caused by the presence of high pressure steam and water circuits, not the fact of it being a nuclear plant, though certainly if there is an explosion of a pressure circuit and hence a loss of coolant, and disruption of the nuclear reactor, radioactivity may escape from the plant. This is the chief preoccupation of designers and operators, to keep the plant safe and prevent this ever happening.

What industries use nuclear energy?

Only electricity production

What are the important components of a nuclear power plant?

A:The elements used in nuclear power station are radioactive elements such as thorium (Th), polonium, radium (Ra), uranium (U), etc. some moderators are also used like deuterium( isotope of hydrogen). A:The radioactive elements used for fuel in nuclear power stations must have certain important characteristics in addition to being radioactive. They need to be fissionable or fertile. There are two such elements occurring in nature, and these are uranium and thorium. Additional synthetic elements exist of this type, and the most important of these for nuclear power is plutonium. There are other complication to nuclear power, importantly that there must be a neutron source, and so, for example, uranium must be enriched to increase the number of neutrons, as its neutron source is uranium-235, which is not present in sufficient quantities in naturally occurring uranium.

Related questions

Do Breeder reactor and nuclear reactor have similarities?

A breeder reactor is one type of nuclear reactor, but not a type that is in general commercial use at the present time

How would you use nuclear in a sentence?

the nuclear reactor exploded

How does one use a breeder reactor?

It would be used as a more efficient version of a Nuclear Reactor. While a regular nuclear reactor requires almost a factor of 100 greater in fuel amounts, a Breeder reactor uses much less and produces less waste.

What is nuclear energies most common use?

That released by fission in a nuclear reactor

What is the main use of nuclear reactor?

To produce electricity

What is a device that harness a controlled nuclear chain reaction to produce useful energy?

A nuclear reactor will do what is asked here. Use the link below to the related question about what a nuclear reactor is.

How do you use radioactive material?

If you are a smart guy, you can make a nuclear bomb, or a nuclear reactor...

How does a nuclear reactor eliminate heat?

Heat is eliminated through use of reactor coolant passing over the nuclear fuel in the primary coolant loops.

Use small prototype of the nuclear reactor in vehicles?

not practical

What is the difference between a bioreactor and nuclear reactor?

A nuclear reactor uses either nuclear fission or nuclear fusion to generate electricity, while bio-reactors use the excretions of many animals to generate electricity.

What is a use for Uranium fuel?

The use is to produce electricity from a nuclear reactor plant

Can a nuclear reactor be used as a nuclear weapon?

No. LLNL even tested several Uranium-Hydride bombs in the 1950s. Even though their computer models said the devices should explode, none gave a nuclear yield. One could use the waste from the reactor as a Radiological Weapon, but the reactor itself is not useful as a weapon.