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Q: What is one important myth about Zeus in the beginning?
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Why was the myth about Zeus created?

for the same reason that the myth about the one "God" was created

Which Zeus imprisoned the Titans?

Zeus, King of Heaven/Olympians, son of Cronus and Rhea. In Greek myth, there is only one Zeus.

How many wifes did Zeus have in just one year?

Greek myth did not say.

How was Zeus related to Persidan?

There is no myth or legend regarding anyone by the name of Persidan. You probably mean Poseidon, who was one of Zeus' brothers.

Are god and Zeus the same god?

no, because for one God is capitalized and two God is the bible Zeus the god is not in the Bible.

What is the myth with Maia and Zeus?

There really isn't one, it only ends in the birth of Hermes.

Who is the head god?

The concept of a "head god" varies across different mythologies and religions. In some belief systems, there may be a supreme deity considered the most powerful or important. For example, in Greek mythology, Zeus is often regarded as the head god.

Who are Aphrodites brothers and sisters?

One Myth says she was born from Zeus and Dione so in that case any daughter or son of Zeus would be her sibling.

Why does myth give Zeus 7 wives?

Zeus had only one wife, Hera. It is possible to count Metis as his first wife. For the rest he had affars, no more wives.

How much older is Hades then Zeus?

Greek myth does not say how long a span of time that Rhea had her children in, so there is no one who can answer that.

What is the myth of the Gemini?

There were 2 brothers, Castor and Pollux, and one died. The other one asked zeus to change them into stars so they could always be together.

What myth has Zeus?

the myth of the gods vs. Titans. He was the son of Titans Kronos and Rhea. He tore open his fathers stomach to rescue his brothers and sisters, because his father had swallowed them to keep his thrown. Both deities fought but, the gods won, placing Zeus as one of the main gods. Particularly the main one. You could find more about him in Greek mythology.