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Q: What is one main sucess of the republic of Texas government?
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In the 1840s what was the main disagreement between Mexico and the republic of texas?

After Texas gained independance from Mexican rule in 1936, Mexican government refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of its rebellious northern province.

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Popular sovereignty is important to a republic. The main principle of popular sovereignty is that the government is created by the people for the people.

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The Republic of Ireland has one main government. There are councils around the country, but they don't have the powers the government has. The island of Ireland is split into the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is separate and has its own government.

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Although Augustus had many accomplishments, I think his main one would have to be the changing of the government from one of a decayed republic to the principate.

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The Republic of Singapore is governed by a government. Its political system is considered a parliamentary republic. Its main leader holds the office of President. But another important top office is that of Prime Minister.

Why is Anson Jones famous for?

One of the main resonse Anson Jones is famous because he was the forth and last president of the Republic of Texas.

Why is anson Jones famous?

One of the main resonse Anson Jones is famous because he was the forth and last president of the Republic of Texas.

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none, his mother was an idle , and main cause of tupacs sucess for the way she raised him.

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A presidential representative democratic republic. The government in Ecuador is a formed through presidential representative democratic processes. The main power is with the people of Ecuador which means that its is a limited government.Ecuador has a Republic type of government.

The function of government in Trinidad?

The three main functions are:1) government as an institution of the state (2)government as an academic field of study (3) government as a process or art of governing