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Turn New Laws Into Action! Regulate various activities, administer the day-to-day operations of the federal government

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Q: What is one of the basic jobs of the executive departments and agencies of the federal bureaucracy?
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What three areas is the federal bureaucracy divided into?

There are three branches to the Federal Government. The legislative (Congress), executive (the President, departments and agencies) and judicial (the courts). I would have probably only called the departments and agencies of the executive bureaucracies.

The federal bureaucracy is made up of?

Federal bureaucracies are comprised of national government offices, agencies and institutions from all three branches of the legislative, executive and judicial. These include congressional offices, Cabinet departments/Agencies (FBI, IRS, Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, etc.), and even the Courts are all part of this intricate federal bureaucracy.

Under what branch is the federal bureaucracy?

The federal bureaucracy is made up of the departments and agencies that do the work of the federal government. Most of these departments and agencies are in the Executive Branch, but the Judicial and Legislative branches also have agencies and departments. The people who work in these agencies and departments are known as "civil servants" or (with negative connotations) "bureaucrats". It is also informally known as the "4th Branch" because tenured employees are hard to remove under Civil Service, and these individuals may not suscribe to the policies set by the current administration.

What is basic jobs of the executive departments and agencies of the federal bureaucracy?

The federal bureaucracy is huge: roughly 2.6 million employees, plus many freelance contractors. Everybody in the bureaucracy works to administer the law. For the most part, the executive branch manages the federal bureaucracy. Although the executive branch controls the majority of the federal bureaucracy, the legislative and judiciary branches also have some influence. Congress, for example, controls the Library of Congress, the Congressional Research Service, and the Government Accountability Office, among other bureaucracies. Through its power of oversight, Congress also monitors the federal bureaucracy to make sure that it acts properly. The courts sometimes get involved in the bureaucracy when issues of law and constitutionality arise, such as when a civil service regulation is violated or if an agency oversteps its jurisdiction. There are five types of organizations in the federal bureaucracy: Cabinet departments Independent executive agencies Independent regulatory agencies Government corporations Presidential commissions

All of the groups and individuals who work in the executive departments of the federal government of said to be a part of the federal?


What are the collective agencies and employees of the executive branch often called?

Federal Bureaucracy

Continuity planning is a requirement for?

Federal Executive-Branch departments and agencies.

Who is at the base of the federal bureaucracy's pyramid structure?

president at the top, cabinet departments in middle, agencies at bottom

Who is the base of the federal bureaucracy's pyramid structure?

president at the top, cabinet departments in middle, agencies at bottom

What are two names of Government Agencies in the US?

There are several different branches of the agencies for the government in the US. The executive branch of the federal government is made up by the executive office of the president, then there is the united states federal executive departments.

What did the framers expect regarding the bureaucracy?

Federal departments and agencies would be relatively small

What three agencies make up the federal bureaucracy?

There are way more than three agencies! Perhaps you're thinking of the three branches of federal govenment: Legislative, Executive and Judicial.