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Q: What is one of the five elements of hip-hop culture?
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What are some hiphop line dances?

'The Cha-cha Slide' is one that is close to a hiphop line dance.

What are the five elements that life is based on?

Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and the fifth one is arguable this are the five elements

What is the elements of greek culture?

One major component that made up Ancient Greek culture was slavery. The Greeks were also deeply religious people with many gods and goddesses whom they worshiped.

Does hiphop have an effect on my dog's mood?

You're the only one who can answer that. It is possible.

Why is the topic of African traditional culture a complex one?

The topic of African traditional culture is a complex one because there are so many varied elements of African culture. Also, there are hundreds of African tribes, each with their own unique culture.

The adoption of some traits of another culture?

Cultural appropriation occurs when elements of one culture are adopted or used by members of another culture without permission or understanding of their cultural significance. This can lead to misrepresentation, disrespect, or exploitation of the original culture's traditions, symbols, or practices. It is important to be mindful and respectful when incorporating elements from another culture.

How many atoms and elements are in CH4?

One atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen for a total of 5 atoms.

One of the five major festivals of Chinese culture is the festival of the hungry what?

The Festival Of The Ghosts.

What elements from the Beowulf reflects the Anglo-saxon culture after the conversion paganism?

References to one supreme deity reflects the Anglo-Saxon culture after the conversion from paganism.

Is air considered not one of the five abundant elements by weight?

Air is not an element, but made of elements. Mostly nitrogen and oxygen, with helium, hydrogen and other trace elements.

What is a hiphop band?

A hiphop band is something with your friends like one of your friends makes the beats and the rest of you just right songs to it and if you are really good then you can send a demo tape to someone famous and if they like it your famous!

How is culture reflected in southeast Asia?

Asian culture is reflected through their different elements of music;the rhythm,style,harmony,texture,dynamics and melody.Their music contains or shows their culture and tradition which differentiate it from one another, And also their arts, reflected through the elements of art. And this will also our guidelines