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Q: What is one of the main reasons why businesses need to keep accurate accounting records?
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What is manual accounting?

Manual accounting is when a person opts to use paper records instead of relying on computers. This is often considered more accurate.

What is ment by accounting?

Accounting is the keeping of financial accounts. Those who work in accounting are responsible for keeping accurate financial records, and providing reports to business owners, managers, and stockholders.

The reasons for keeping accounting record?

for a-level accounting . why stakeholders(customers) use the accounting records for guarantees and order met??? the reason for keeping accounting records because human memmory is short and changable, so there is chances of contravercies in future that's why account bookss are keeping

What type of accounting system was first used in the US?

For individuals and businesses, accounting records in Colonial America often were very elementary. Most records of this period relied on the single-entry method or were simply narrative accounts of transactions.

What are New developments in management accounting techniques?

There are many new developments in management accounting techniques. Many new software products have entered the market that assist managers in producing accurate accounting records.

Accrual accounting system?

Accrual Accounting system is a basic bookkeeping system which realizes the transactions and records it when it occurs, and not when the cash is exchanged. This accounting system is one of the most commonly used bookkeeping practices by majority of businesses.

Why sport organizations maintain sales and accounting records?

They would need records for all types of reasons. If a sports organization wants to sell itself or obtain a loan from a bank (or any other type of financing activity) they would need to produce accurate records of the companies activities. Another obvious reason is for tax purposes.

Why does businesses need to take care about accounting and bookkeeping?

Businesses need to take care with accounting and bookkeeping because it is the bread and butter of all business. Without proper records and accounting, a business will fail. It helps to show where money is going to and coming from, this way they can show their profits and losses and make adjustments accordingly.

What are some reasons that businesses can be liquidated?

You might search your own financial records to see why your business was liquidated or research specific companies to see reasons other businesses were liquidated. There are numerous reasons and one answer won't explain all situations.

What is Peachtree?

Peachtree Software is made by Sage and it is for accurate, easy-to-use accounting software that provides the insights and control needed for businesses that are committed to getting the numbers right and improving results.

How long do you keep accounting records in the US?

How long to keep accounting records for business in the US

What is the role of accounting in the information age?

Accounting has a great value in information age. It is a system that identifies, records and deliver financial information that is relevant, reliable and comparable in order to help users to make better and accurate decisions.