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Q: What is one of the principal compounds that cells use to store energy?
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What is one of the principal chemical compounds that cells use to store energy?


How do cells store and use energy?

they store energy in ATP and use it when the triphosphate bonds are broken

Is it true that Carbon dioxide is one of the principal chemical compounds that living things use to store energy?


What process provides cells with compounds that can store energy for more than a few minutes?

calvin cycle

What two chemical compounds are used to store energy for Cells?

Atp, Gtp, Utp, Cellulose and Glycogen for starts.

What is one of the main chemical compounds that cells use to store and release chemical energy?

Adenosine triphosphate or ATP

How cells store energy?

Cells store energy in bonds.

These compounds are used to carry out chemicals and regulate metabolism in organisms?

Lipids are the fatty acids within the cells of the body. These are the cells or compounds that are used to store energy inside the body.

Cells store energy in the form of what?

Cells store energy in the form of carbohydrates.

What form does cells store their energy?

Plant Cells store energy in the complex carbohydrates such as starch, disaccharides, and lipids.Animal Cells store energy in the Polysaccharide known as Glycogen.Cells store energy when a third phosphate group becomes bonded to an ADP molecule. ATP molecules are a cell's basic energy source.

How cells store energy and release energy?

Cells store and release energy through the use of the mitochondria, an organelle contained within it.

Cells store what in lipids to use later?

Lipids are used for energy storage, cushions vital organs, and insulates the organism