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vegtables, protein (meat), dairy, carbohydrates and sugar fats and oils

sorry about the spelling, not all of it will be right!

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Q: What is one of the steps of the food chain or food pyramid?
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What is one of the steps of the food chain or food pyramid examples producers primary secondary tertiary consumers?

the top of the pyramid

What shows how much energy and food is available in each level of an ecosystem?

Energy pyramid Energy pyramid.

Inverted numbers pyramid?

The inverted pyramid of number is a type of ecological pyramid that is seen in a parasitic food chain. It is where one primary producer supports numerous parasites.

What happens when one organism depends on another for food?

This is called a food chain or a food pyramid depending on how many organisms are involved in this process.

How do you use energy pyramid in a sentence?

energy pyramid is a diagram that shows the amount of energy that moves from one feeding level to another in a food chain

What does a food chain represent?

A food chain represents how an animal eats a smaller animal.

What does an energy pyramid show us about energy in a food chain?

The difference is that a food chain is one path of energy, and a food web is overlapping food chains. As for an energy pyramid it show that there is less and less food and energy available as you go from the base to the top of the pyramid

What is a trophic level?

Successive stages of nourishment as represented by the links of the food chain. According to a grossly simplified scheme the primary producers (ie, phytoplankton) constitute the first trophic level, herbivorous zooplankton the second trophic level, and carnivorous organisms the third trophic level.

How many steps are in one whole pyramid?

it depends on the size of the pyramid. a large one could many hundreds.

Where do herbivores go in the trophic pyramid?

Autotrophs, being the producers in the food chain, are at the extreme bottom of the food pyramid. Then the herbivores, which are the primary consumers, follow the autotrophs. The canivores come in the next level, that is the third

What are three things that an ecological pyramid shows that food webs and food chains do not show?

Pyramids of numbers The population of each organism in a food chain can be shown in a chart called a pryramid of numbers. the more organisms there are, the longer each bad would be. the producer in a food chain always goes at the bottom of the pyramid or numbers. Pyramids of numbers show: * That energy is lost to the surroundings as the pyramid goes from one level to the next, so there are fewer organisms at each level in the food chain. *Sometimes the pyramid of numbers doesnt look like a pyramid at all. This could happen if the producer was a large plant such as a tree, or if one of the animals was very small. *pyramids of numbers put the actual amount of organisms into context too, instead of a long line of producers and consumers, or a very confusing web, joined together in some way Hope this helps

If an animal from food chain is disappeared then what will be its effect on the food chain?

it would effect the food chain because one part of the food chain is missing