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Q: What is one possible explanation as to why tryptophan makes you sleepy?
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Tryptophan what does it do to your body?

It makes you sleepy

Why do eggs make you sleepy?

They contain tyrosine and tryptophan- one makes you alert and the other makes you sleepy

Why do you got sleep after eating beans?

Tryptophan, the same thing that makes you sleepy after you eat turkey.

Why Sleepy after you eat?

The blood supply is partially diverted to stomach and intestines for digestion and absorption. Relatively less blood reaches brain and muscles so we feel tired and sleepy.

Does warm milk really make you more tired?

Yes warm milk does make you tired even unwarm milk makes you tired because of a hormone in the milk called tryptophan that makes you sleepy.

What is the drug in turkey that makes you sleepy?

Turkey has an amino acid called tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin, a chemical that plays a key role in sleep.

What drug increase in the brain after eating turkey makes you tired?

The theory that turkey makes you sleepy stems from the fact that turkey contains an amino acid called tryptophan. Our bodies use tryptophan to produce the vitamin B3 or niacin, which is essential to creating serotonin, a neurotransmitter thought to contribute to feelings of well-being and happiness. Serotonin is also the precursor to the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.The truth is that turkey doesn’t contain any more tryptophan than many other meats, and it even contains slightly less than most cheeses. That means it’s unfair to blame your post-dinner coma on turkey alone.So, why do we specifically associate Thanksgiving dinner with feeling sleepy? Probably because we’re eating many foods high in tryptophan during the course of the evening, and that tryptophan is amplified by the carbs from rolls, potatoes, and other savory starches. Not to mention the fact that overeating gives the body more digestive work to do, thus using more energy.

Is there a disease that makes you very sleepy?

There is a condition called Narcalepsy, that makes you very sleepy. I do not know if there are any diseases that do tho.

What makes us sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner?

AnswerThat's what happens when you eat too much turkey, mashed potatoes, beans, and gravy.AnswerScientists believe that the tryptophan in the turkey (an essential amino acid found in poultry) triggers sleepiness by increasing the levels of serotonin and/or melatonin in the brain.It's also possible that the environment surrounding the dinner itself (spent in a cozy and trusting family environment, generally after a day of football, cooking and other activities) also lends itself to drifting to sleep.

Who is an imaginary person who makes you sleepy?

The sandman.

Is Turkey bad for your shih tzu?

Turkey is not good for dogs. It contains L-Tryptophan which is the same chemical that makes people sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. Other foods that contain L-Tryoptophan are chicken, pork, cheese. These foods are okay for dogs when they are in dog food, but not when they came straight from your kitchen table.

Why does turkey make you tired?

it is not the turkey that made you sleepy, you just ate too much food! Follow the related link for good information about this question.AnswerTurkey puts you to sleep becauseTurkey does have the makings of a natural sedative in i­t, an amino acid called tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, meaning that the body can't manufacture it. The body has to get tryptophan and other essential amino acids from food. Tryptophan helps the body produce the B-vitamin niacin, which, ­in turn, helps the body produce serotonin, a remarkable chemical that acts as a calming agent in the brain and plays a key role in sleep. So you might think that if you eat a lot of turkey, your body would produce more serotonin and you would feel calm and want a nap