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Q: What is one way that geologists identify the environment in which a rock formed?
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How do geologists learn how a rock formed?

Geologists can learn how a rock formed by studying its features. Two features that are especially helpful for classifying rocks are composition and texture.

Geologists use unconformities to identify?

Gaps in time in the rock record

How do geologists classify igneous rock?

Geologists classify rocks by where they are formed; above ground or under ground

What clues does extrusion tell geologists?

Geologists study where intrusion and extrusion formed in relation to other rock layers. This helps geologists understand the relative ages of the different types of rock! Hope it helps;)😊

What type of rock is most useful historical geologists?

Geologists love sedimentary rock because the fossils give a quick reference to their date of formation and environment of deposition.

What two ways geologists use the geologic column?

1.Geologists use the geologic column to help them interperet rocks sequences. 2.they use to help them identify rock layers in complicated rock sequence.

Why don't geologists find fossils in a metamorphic rock?

Metamorphic rock is formed deep in the Earth's crust under tremendous heat and pressure. Fossiles are formed in sedimentary rock near the surface.

How are index fossils used by uniformitarian geologists?

Uniformitarian geologists will use this method to determine which layer of rock formed at which time period of earth's history, and the order of the formation.

What do geologists observe when studying a rock sample?

they see how it is formed and how it can benefit the rest of the earth's rocks have a good day

Why geologists are interested in outcrops or cliffs?

Geologists would be interested in outcrops and/or cliffs because sometimes cliffs show the different beds of rock under the Earth's surface. This is easier than drilling into the ground and getting a sample of the rocks.

What process is a rock undergoing when the new environment is different from the one in which the rock was formed?


What is Best evidence of the environment in which an igneous rock was formed?
