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Q: What is one way that vegetation has changed since the time of the dinosaurs?
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What is one way vegetation has changed since the time of dinosaurs?

Since the Mesozoic era, a lot of flowering plants have been dominated by trees and food bearing plants.

What are two ways the climate has changed since the time of the dinosaurs?

Since the time of the dinosaurs, the temperature has cooled, and the earth has become more humid.

What are two ways the climate has changed since the time of dinosaurs?

mammals have evolved and that climate has changed rapidly like grass, grass wasn't around in the time of the dinosaurs.

Why have some animals not changed before the time of dinosaurs?

because not all the dinosaurs were killed some survived

Are sharks a kind of dinosaur?

No. They are a kind of fish. But they haven't changed much since the time of the dinosaurs which is what I think you are referencing. Another one is the bat relating to pterodactyl.

Where are the dinosaurs at?

They were extinct since a long time, most dinosaurs displayed in bones are in historical museums.

On which geologic time epoch did bees exist?

since dinosaurs

How has life changed since dinosaurs?

At the time of the dinosaurs, most large animals were reptiles and the dominant trees were conifers. Today, most large reptiles have been long extinct, and most large animals are mammals. The dominant plants are now flowering plants.

When did the elves start making toys?

since the beginning of time. After the dinosaurs of course.

Were Jurassic dinosaurs bigger than triassic dinosaurs?

Yes. This is mainly due to the sudden increase of vegetation during the Jurassic as well as the fact that the vegetation was getting much abundant, with more vegetation comes more oxygen. this sudden increase of vegetation allows herbivores of that time to grow in size (Eg. Protosauropods from the Triassic to Sauropods like Diplodicus and Brachiosaur in the Jurassic). With larger Herbivores comes in larger carnivores, the once abundant Ceratosaurus has been reduced due to competition with larger and more advance carnivore like Allosaurus. So yes Jurassic dinosaurs were indeed bigger and ADVANCE due to larger vegetation and increase in oxygen.

How has the ''lyric'' changed since Sappho's time?

How lyrics changed since sappho`s time was that we have music which singers perform like , pop music and etc.

Where are dinosaurs living now?

Dinosaurs in the true sense of the word are extinct; however, there are a number of animals around that were alive at the time of the dinosaurs and have not changed much in appearance since that time: Coelacanth, monitor lizard, crocodiles and alligator's. But, there are no Tyrannosaurus or Stegosaurus roaming around today.