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Boiling water is a simple and effective way to make it safe for human consumption by killing harmful microorganisms. Remember to bring the water to a rolling boil for at least one minute (or three minutes at higher altitudes) to ensure it is safe to drink.

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Q: What is one way to make water fit for human consumption?
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How does the process of desalination work?

Desalination is the process of removing salt and other minerals from seawater to make it drinkable. The most common methods include distillation, where water is heated to create steam and then condensed back into liquid, and reverse osmosis, which uses pressure to force water through a membrane that filters out salt.

Why is curd not kept in a copper container?

Copper can react with the acidic nature of curd, leading to the formation of toxins that may be harmful for consumption. It's best to store curd in containers made of glass, ceramic, or stainless steel to avoid this chemical reaction.

What makes saltwater undrinkable?

Saltwater is undrinkable for humans because it has a high concentration of salt, which can disrupt the balance of electrolytes in the body if consumed. Drinking saltwater can lead to dehydration and further complications, as the kidneys are unable to effectively remove the excess salt from the body.

Why cant filtering make sea water fit to drink?

Filtering alone cannot make sea water fit to drink because sea water contains high levels of salt, minerals, and other impurities that are difficult to remove through simple filtration. Additional processes, such as desalination through methods like reverse osmosis, are needed to make sea water safe for drinking.

Why filtering cannot be used to make sea water fit to drink?

Filtering alone is not sufficient to make sea water fit to drink because sea water contains high levels of salt and other impurities. Simple filters are not capable of removing these substances effectively. Additional methods, such as desalination or reverse osmosis, are required to remove the salt and make sea water drinkable.

Related questions

Is bull shark fit for human consumption?

In reality human meat is fit for human consumption. Pretty much any animal (unless poisonous) Is fit for human consumption, so yes, bull shark is fit too.

What is the definition of Household with access to safe water?

Meaning the water has been tested and found fit for human consumption.

Why is all the water available not fit for human use?

Not all water is fit for human use due to contamination from pollutants, microorganisms, and other harmful substances. Natural factors such as location and geology can also contribute to water being unsuitable for consumption. Proper water treatment and purification processes are essential to make water safe for human usage.

What was done with unsafe drinking water?

It was first filtered with slow filters and later on with fast filters. The filtered water was chlorinated. That made it fit for human consumption.

Can a dog eat french fires?

No, no human food is fit for animal consumption.

What can best describe usable waters?

You may be talking about navigable waters, which are waterways that can be used as shipping lanes or for recreational vessels. You could be talking about potable water, which is water that is fit for human consumption.

Is drinking water supplied to all citizens suitable for human consumption?

If it supplied "for drinking" then the citizen of any country would have obvious legal redress if the water thus supplied proven to be unfit to drink. However in some countries the supplied tap water is NOT advertised as "fit for drinking" and needs to be boiled. In this instance the water supplied to citizens would not be suitable for human consumption.

Where can you find pure water that was not aided in its purification by any man-made creations or methods?

Frozen glacial water and underground natural springs are considered pure water that are non manmade purified fit for human consumption.

Is alcohol fit for human consumption?

it all depends on the amount that a person consumes, everything is done in moderation

What different source's of are available on earth?

Precipitation (snow rain ice)groundwatersurface waterunder river flowdesalination (removal of salt from salt water so it is fit for human and animal consumption)glaciers

Why is the water available not fit for human use?


Should you use bottle water in fish tank as live in Spain?

Most reticulated water that is fit for human or animal consumption is suitable for keeping many species of fish. Bottled water could be deadly to some fish depending upon its constituents.