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all living things are made up of cells

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Q: What is one widely accepted theory in life science?
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Is Darwin's theory taught in schools?

Yes, Darwin's theory of evolution is typically taught in schools as part of the science curriculum. It is an important concept in biology and is widely accepted in the scientific community as the basis for understanding the diversity of life on Earth.

What are the contribution of chemistry to other fields of science?

chemistry is applied in biology for the theory of the most accepted chemical origin of life, phenomenon of photosynthesis, respiration, study and arrangement of aminoacids, proteins and many interesting facts

Is life in 5d?

The concept of life in a fifth dimension is often explored in theoretical physics and science fiction. In this context, a fifth dimension is beyond our conventional understanding of space and time. It is not currently proven or widely accepted in mainstream science as a tangible reality.

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How do you use theories in a sentence?

Were doing the cell theory in science. We are learning about the theory of life Theory is a system of rules to get an answer

Was life created from non life?

Most of the scientist are of d opinion that life originated from lifeless ( inanimate ) matter known as theory of abiogenic origin or chemical evolution of life . Since this theory is only one that provides explanation , which can be tested ,most scientists tentatively accepted it .

Why was Charles Darwin's widely excepted?

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was widely accepted because it provided a comprehensive explanation for the diversity of life on Earth, was supported by evidence from multiple scientific fields, and had predictive power in explaining observations in the natural world. Additionally, Darwin's work has withstood rigorous scientific scrutiny and is still a key component of modern biology.

Did Charles R Drew face any problems in is life?

Charles Drew was not widely accepted because of his race.

What is a Bio-centric Theory?

In Bio centric theory the biology acts as the central driving science in the universe. It also states biology and life is the center to all.

What does theroy mean?

A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

Branches of science in each division?

The branches in Natural science include: physical science, earth science and life science. The branches of Social science include: anthropology, archaeology, business administration, communication, criminology, economics, education, government, linguistics, international relations, political science, psychology, sociology and, in some contexts, geography, history and law. The formal sciences include: logic, mathematics, theoretical computer science, information theory, systems theory, decision theory, statistics, and some aspects of linguistics.

What was the theory that Charles Dickens created that changed the life in science?

I think you have mixed Charles Dickens for Charles Darwin.