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Q: What is organisms in an ecosystem that first capture energy?
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What are organisms in an ecosystem that first capture energy?

Autotrophs or producers

What are organisms in an ecosystem that first capture energy called?

Autotrophs or producers

What is the primary source of energy for all the organisms in the ecosystem represented below?

The trophic level that contains the organisms that are the source of all chemical energy used in an ecosystem is called the producer level. This level contains the organisms that can make their own food.

What are organisms that use energy in an ecosystem?

Producers Consumer Decomposer

What group of organisms occupies the first trophies level of an ecosystem?

The secondary consumers (herbivores) occupie s the first trophies level of an ecosystem

What decrease in which group in an ecosystem would create instability first?

The decrease in producers that are plants would create instability first. Plants are the source of energy in an ecosystem and energy is introduced in an ecosystem by plants by making food by the process of photosynthesis using inorganic substances and heat energy.

How does energy first enter a pond ecosystem?

Light from the sun(:

What is the role of the producers in food chain?

In an ecosystem energy passes from one feeding level to another. Producers are plants that occupy the first level in the ecosystem. They are the only organisms that can convert the sun's energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis. When plants are consumed, energy is passed on the herbivores and then carnivores. Without producers in the food chain there would be no energy produced for other consumers of the food chain, which is vital to daily life.

What group of organisms the second trophic level of an ecosystem?

The group of organisms that occupy the second trophic level of an ecosystem is the herbivores. The herbivores eat the plants in the first trophic level and are then called primary consumers. -Gallo :)

What group of organisms occupies the first tropic level of ecosystem?

Plants, algae, and bacteria occupy the first trophic level of an organism.

What eats primary consumers?

Primary Consumers, also known as Herbivores, are named as such because they eat apostrophes such as plants and algae. Apostrophes store the energy of the sun and Primary Consumers (primary meaning first) are the first to extract this energy from the apostrophes. Primary Consumers are complex organisms that can only be eaten by other organisms; such organisms are called Carnivores.

What is the role of a producer in the food chain?

In an ecosystem energy passes from one feeding level to another. Producers are plants that occupy the first level in the ecosystem. They are the only organisms that can convert the sun's energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis. When plants are consumed, energy is passed on the herbivores and then carnivores. Without producers in the food chain there would be no energy produced for other consumers of the food chain, which is vital to daily life.