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Q: What is organizing things into groups called?
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Organizing things into groups based on how things are alike?

it's something called compare and contrast

What is the science of organizing living things into categories?

The science of organizing living things into appropriate categories is called taxonomy.

What is organizing similar species into larger groups called?

Organizing similar species into larger groups is called taxonomy. Taxonomy involves classifying organisms based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships, ultimately leading to the creation of a hierarchical system of classification.

How did work by women in social reform movements likely affect their effort to obtain voting rights?

They learned about organizing groups to affect change....apex

What was an important way that Northern and Southern women contributed to the war effort?

Organizing nursing groups to tend to the wounded.

What is the science of organizing living things?

The science of organizing living things, is classification. This means that you put living organisms into groups so that each organism in their group has something in common. IE : mammals- give birth to live young reptiles- dry, scaly skin

What is colored tags?

Color tagging is a method of organizing things by marking them with a specific color. This allows for groups of items to be placed together with relative ease.

How did work by women in social reform movements likely effort to obtain voting rights?

they learned about organizing groups

What is the process of organizing living things into groups called?

I believe you are referring to taxonomy.add. Cladistics is another tool in this speciality. Back in the days of Linne, visual features were the main characteristics, but nowadays DNA and similar techniques have reorganized some of the old groupings.

What is it when every culture has a way of organizing people into smaller groups?


What does the old testament say about organizing religion Does it not say that you are not to build structure statues and organize in groups to worship?

It forbids making statues for worship (Exodus ch.20) but permits organizing groups for the worship of God.

Is there a book for garage organizing?

Yes. Itʻs called Garage Organizing for Dummies.