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Q: Energy is released when oxygen combines with?
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What chemical changes oxygen into energy?

Oxygen is not changed into energy. However, energy may be released when it combines with a range of other chemical compounds and elements.

Why gasoline considered as chemical energy?

It is not. Gasoline is not energy. Rather, it HAS energy.If gasoline is burned or otherwise combines with oxygen, energy is released. This type of energy (related to how atoms are connected with one another) is called "chemical energy".

What is reaction occurs when a substance combstance combines with oxygen and release energy called?

That is combustion.

When you recycle what type of energy is it?

Energy is stored in all matter- potential in nature. On conversion matter will change it's state or convert to another form of matter. In the process energy is absorbed by it or released from it. Fire wood, when it burns, absorbs oxygen from atmosphere and carbon combines with oxygen releasing heat energy in the process.

In the process of cellular respiration carbohydrate combines with to produce carbon dioxide And energy.?


What is produced during the process of cellular respiration?

Carbon dioxide is produced during the process of cellular respiration During cellular respiration energy is released in the form of ATP. Oxygen is reduced to form water and Carbon of glucose combines with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide. Thus, carbon dioxide, water and energy are produced during cellular respiration.

Why is the oxygen important in your daily life?

The body combines oxygen that it breathes in with the nutrients that you eat and converts them top energy. So oxygen is not just important, it is vital. No oxygen and you are dead!

When fossil fuels are burned how is most of the energy released?

Fossil fuel molecules have energy in the form of chemical bonds holding the atoms together. When burning, some energy is used to break these bonds. Oxygen the combines with the atoms of the fuel forming bonds with less energy. The difference in the energy of the old bonds and the new bonds is released as both heat and light. Most of the energy is released as heat.

What is combined inside of the mitochondria?

Oxygen and glucose.ADP and Pi combines to produce ATP. Energy is stored in this reaction

In the process of cellular respiration carbohydrate combines with to produce carbon dioxide an energy?

Oxygen, water and CO2 are the by-products.

Why do cells nee food?

For cellular respiration. Food is full of glucose (sugar) and when it combines with oxygen it produces energy. Here is the equation: oxygen + glucose --> carbon dioxide + water + energy

What is needed to give living things enerygy?

food is needed to give energy to living things. Food combines with oxygen to release energy.