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Oxygen corrosion, also known as oxidation corrosion, is a process in which metal deteriorates due to exposure to oxygen in the environment. It is a common form of corrosion and can lead to structural weakening and eventual failure of the metal. Preventive measures such as protective coatings or using corrosion-resistant metals can help mitigate oxygen corrosion.

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Q: What is oxygen corrosion?
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The word equation for the corrosion of silver is: silver + oxygen → silver oxide

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Oxygen water

Is corrosion a chemical physical property?

The Answer is simply that Corrosion is a Chemical property because it uses oxygen. !

What are the 3 main causes of corrosion?

reaction of metal surface with oxygen (atmospheric generally )cause corrosion

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oxygen and carbon in the air

Is oxygen the oxidizing agent in combustion and the reducing agent in corrosion?

Yes, in combustion, oxygen acts as the oxidizing agent because it gains electrons from the fuel being burned. In corrosion, however, oxygen acts as the oxidizing agent as it accepts electrons from the metal, causing it to corrode or rust.

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The word equation for the corrosion of copper is: Copper + Oxygen + Water → Copper Oxide.

What are the gases present in water that causes corrosion?

The main gases present in water that can cause corrosion are oxygen and carbon dioxide. These gases can react with metal surfaces, leading to the formation of corrosion products such as rust. Other gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, can also contribute to corrosion under certain conditions.

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Causes of corrosion?

occurs when iron combines with oxygen in the air

What is corrosion resistance?

The ability of the metal to resist corrosion in atmosphere with moist.corrosion ocuurs in ferrous materials in which ferrous chemically react with oxygen forming rust or corrosion. Corrosion can be avoided by Heat treatment and surface coating .

What is corrosion of metals?

Corrosion of metals is a natural process where metals deteriorate due to chemical reactions with their environment, usually with oxygen or moisture. This can lead to the formation of rust or other types of corrosion products, compromising the integrity and appearance of the metal over time. Corrosion can be prevented or minimized through various methods such as coatings, inhibitors, or material selection.