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Q: What is part of the spectrum that the human eye can see?
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Why is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum you can see called ultraviolet light?

Its not. You can't see ultraviolet. (it lies just above the visible spectrum.)

The part of the electromagnetic spectrum you can see is called ultraviolet light?

No, the visible part is called visible light. Ultraviolet is invisible to the human eye.

Is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum you can see called ultraviolet light?

No, the visible part is called visible light. Ultraviolet is invisible to the human eye.

How many forms of electromagnetic radiation can we see with your human eye?

The part between 400 and 700 nanometers called the visible spectrum. Red to Violet.

What are some animals that can locate the electromagnetic spectrum?

It is not at all clear what you mean by locating the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetism exists at innumerable locations throughout the universe. Vision is a sense that uses a part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and lots of animals can see. Some animals, such as bees, can see in ultraviolet frequencies that the human eye does not see.

What is the difference between the spectrum and a naked eye?

the visible light spectrum is a continuum of radiationthe human eye is only able to see three colors: red, green, and blue, and the brain interpolates the others

Why are germs so small and naked to the human eye?

Because the spectrum of the eye cannot see things smaller them a crumb the size of a grain of dirt. so it can't see a germ

Are hornets colour blind?

No. Most flying insects have a vision system that can see more of the spectrum than can a human eye.

In the visible spectrum the color of light that has the shortest wave length is?

Violet, after that comes ultraviolet that the human eye cannot see.

What is the color spectrum humans cannot see?

black because as it absourbs light true black is invisable to the human eye.

Why can only human see part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

The frequency of light that the sun gives off most is in the visible spectrum. Over the evolution of humans and animals, this is the frequency our eyes have grown accustomed to. It's

What are ultra violet rays?

White light, like sunlight, is made up of many different colors of light. We see this when raindrops split the light into a rainbow. The purple part of a rainbow is violet light. Some parts of the light spectrum are not visible to the human eye. The invisible part next to purple (violet) is called the ultraviolet spectrum.