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Q: What is passage cited?
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What does 'passage cited' mean?


What is another word for 'passage cited'?


What does citation verb mean?

citation is a noun, cite is the verb. Cite means:to make reference to - She cited Wikipedia as her source of information. His name was cited in connection with the repeat from memory - He cited a passage from the Bible.

What does word cited mean?

Quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, esp. in a scholarly work

What does cf mean after a Bible passage?

It means to cross-reference the verse cited for another Scriptural example similar to the one under immediate consideration.

Do facts and common knowledge need to be cited?

Facts and common knowledge that are widely known and accepted do not typically need to be cited. However, if the information is not widely known or if it is critical to your argument, it is best practice to cite the source to provide credibility and avoid plagiarism.

Do you use works sited or cited?

works cited

What is a sentence for cited?

You didn't say which meaning you wanted to use. If you mean cited as in quoted a source for a report, you could say "I cited the magazine article." If you mean cited as in to summon before a court, you might say "He was cited for drunk driving. If you mean cited as in recognized for superior military service, you could say "The soldier was cited for bravery."

What does the word qoute mean?

It seems there may be a typo in your question. If you meant "quote," it refers to repeating or copying words that someone else has said or written. It could be a passage, phrase, or sentence that is cited from another source.

What is the purpose of the term as cited in?

As cited in means as stated in the referenced source.

What is the definition of the word cited?

The definition of the word cited is quote as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement. Another definition for the word cited is mention as an example.

Why do papers need both parenthetical citations and a 'works cited' page?

Parenthetical citations tell the readers where the information was found. They give the readers an entry into the works cited page. The works cited page includes all the referenced sources that were cited.