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Q: What is passed from the baby to the mother?
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How are nutrients and wastes passed between the mother and baby?

Through the umbilical cord and the placenta.

What is passive imunity?

A baby being born immune to chickenpox because the mother is immune is passive immunity. The immunity to chickenpox having been passed to baby from mother in the womb.

Who is Jackie Jackson baby mama?

His children's mother was Ingrid Spann Jackson who passed away.

How does the baby get rid of waste inside the womb?

It's passed on to the mother, through the umbilical cord.

You are HIV neg and your husband is HIV pos is there any chances that the baby might be HIV positive?

the baby will not be born with aids unless the mother has it. but try not to forget that the mother is still at risk because the man she is sleeping with has it. but unless mother has it, the baby is safe and it's also not possible to be passed throughbreast milk because the mother does not have it.

How do you get birth?

Birth Marks are the naturally occurring marks that appear on a baby after being born. These marks are genetically passed on by your mother or father.

If raccoon's mothers are captured does the baby raccoon get rabies?

The baby raccoon can only get rabies if it is exposed to the saliva of another animal with rabies. If the mother has rabies, she more then likely passed it to the baby, but if not, the baby wouldn't get it, unless around other animals.

Should I help a Baby hamster that crawled away from mom?

Well, if you do, dont put it back in with mother keep it yourself to mother for because once the smell is passed on, the mother will kill!!!! BEWAREEE!!!! i warn you now!!!!!! ;) Ok darling x

What does the mother give to the baby?

The mother gives the baby food and blood, to help the baby grow!

How does the age of the mother affect the baby?

Generally, the younger the mother, the better for both mother and baby

Can you get chlamydia from blumpkins?

Chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Chlamydia can also be passed from an infected mother to her baby during vaginal childbirth.

How does a mother dolphins act with her baby?

The mother dolphin takes care of her baby