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Rather is an adverb and doesn't have any tenses. Only verbs have tenses.

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2mo ago

The past tense of "rather" is "rathered."

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Q: What is past tense of rather?
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The tense you are asking for is the present perfect tense.The present perfect tense of 'draw' is:I/You/We/They have drawn.Note: if you were using the subjects he, she or it then it would be "has drawn".This tense also uses the past participle of 'draw' rather than the simple past tense.The simple past tense of draw can't be used with 'have'.

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"will be" is the future tense of "be". The past tense of "be" is "was/were".

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The past tense of "she do" is "she did."

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The word "were" is past tense. It is the past tense of the verb "to be."

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