

What is past tense verb?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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12y ago

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A past tense verbs shows us that an action eg walk, run, eat, happened in the past.

For example:

I walk to school most days. - in this sentence the verb walk is present tense.

I walked to school yesterday. - in this sentence the verb walked is in past tense. This shows us that the action walk happened sometime in the past. The time word yesterday shows us when this action happened in the past.

All verbs have a past tense form. Some examples:

walk - walked

run - ran

eat - ate

catch - caught

hear - heard

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12y ago

the past tense is one of the 3 types of tense which are the future, present and the past tense. past tense is used when the action already have taken place.

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