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Your question is very vague - HOWEVER - it is illegal...

(a) for anyone under the age of 18 to buy or attempt to buy alchohol.

(b) for anyone over 18 to KNOWINGLY buy, or attempt to buy alcohol for consumption by persons under 18.a

In the first case - the retailer would invariably be fined, and probbly lose his licence.

In the second, the person buying the alcohol would be charged with supplying alcohol to a minor.

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Q: What is penalty for a 21 year old to purchase alcohol to a minor?
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What is the penalty for the third offense of minor in possession of alcohol in Nebraska?

ALS for test refusal = one year license suspension.

What are the penalties for providing alcohol to a minor in Kentucky?

I'm trying to figure this out too... It seems to be a Class A Misdemeanor, which carries a penalty of up to one year in prison and a fine.

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27: 5-27-205: Contributing to the Delinquency of a MinorWhen an adult knowingly gives a minor alcohol or drugs. Class A misdemeanor. Maximum penalty: one year in jail or $1,000 fine or both.

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It will depend on the laws in that specific jurisdiction. Criminal charges could certainly be brought for contributing to the delinquency of a minor or specific alcohol related charges.

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I'm not sure you are using the term 'statute of limitations' correctly here. I believe you are saying the minor has been charged with possession of alcohol. If that is the case, there is no 'statute of limitations' to apply, it is a done deal. If you are asking how long it stays on their record, then it typically is there for life. You can apply to get it expunged, and typically offenses while a minor of this type are not overly critical in adult life, unless it is the start of a pattern of lawbreaking. 6 mos officers can't hold a misdemeanor charge over a youths head forever.

Can a parent buy alcohol for a minor in Texas?

No, it's a harsh punishment for giving alcohol for someone under 21.Adults and minors who give alcohol to a minor also face a stiff penalty. The punishment for making alcoholic beverages available to a minor is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $4,000, confinement in jail for up to a year, or both. Additionally, the violator will have his or her driver´s license automatically suspended for 180 days upon conviction.Persons 21 or older (other than the parent or guardian) can be held liable for damages caused by intoxication of a minor under 18 if the adult knowingly provided alcoholic beverages to a minor or knowingly allowed the minor to be served or provided alcoholic beverages on the premises owned or leased by the adult.Sale to a minor is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $4,000, confinement up to a year in jail, or both.You find more in the link below.

What is the punishment for contributing to the delinquency of a minor in Texas by giving them alcohol?

Unless that person is a parent , guardian or spouse, it an offense under Chapter 106 and is a class A misdemeanor in Texas. Fines of up to $4,000.00 and one year in jail. Also as of 2005 upon conviction a loss of driving permit (suspended) for 180 days is automatically applied.

Can my 16 year old daughter serve alcohol at work?

No, in most states it is illegal for a minor to touch\carry alcohol or tobacco. If you daughter is serving alcohol it is the supervisors fault, not hers.

What is penalty for 19 year old with alcohol possession?

My son has had 3 underage possesion of alcohol tickets at college in iowa. How much will his 3rd one cost and how long will this stay on his record.

What are the harboring a minor runaway laws in Canada?

In Canada, harboring a minor runaway is a gross misdemeanor. While the penalty can vary, someone convicted of this crime could spend up to one year in jail.

What if a 20 year old male got a 17 year old girl pregnant?

He would be charged with statuatory rape for having sex with a minor, there is no extra penalty for getting her pregnant.

Is it illegal to purchase alcohol for an 18 year old in Canada?

Yes, the drinking age is 19