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It means that the person named is the legal guardian of the child until they become an adult, or until the court rules differently as the result of a later custody case.

It differs from temporary custody, where a person is named the legal guardian of the child for a limited period.

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Q: What is permanent custody?
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Can you gain custody of your child if permanent custody has been given to another person?

Permanent means forever right? The answer is simply no, even if you hired a attorney and went through the court, the answer will still be NO.

Can you leave your husband in Arizona and take the kids?

You can leave and ask for temporary custody until the court has determined permanent custody.

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You have temporary sole custody of your children is there a good chance you will be awarded permanent sole custody?

Depends on the evidence. I teach fathers what to do. see links below

How do you get custody of kids after giving aunt permanent custody?

Prove to the court that you are a more fit parent. Or have her give them back if she is willing. Other than that you are not getting them back.

Does permanent custody supersede temporary custody?

Yes, definitely as temporary custody is for the period the matter is pending. And final custody is the final order while disposing the case. So final orders will definitely supersede the temporary orders. If you need a good lawyer for your custody matter then you can go for Siddhartha Shah and Associates as they have great knowledge and charge a very reasonable fee. One can call them on 093222 86663 for appointments or email your problems on lawyersidd.

What do you as a grandmother need to pick up your dead daughter's boys after their father has dropped them off at DFF?

You need to go to court and file an ex parte motion (emergency custody) and you may be granted temporary custody based on the same. To retain permanent custody, you would need to file a petition based on the same, wait for the hearing and participate in the subsequent investigation, then the judge will decide whether or not to award permanent custody to you, another party or remand the children back to the custody of the state.

What does temporary legal custody mean?

Temporary custody is the precursor to the final decision. Therefore, if you have been awarded temporary custody, this may not be the final decision by the judge. The judge will take in all considerations and issue a permanent order that will state the custody arrangements.

How long does a temporary custody order in North Carolina last?

Most temporary custody orders last until the court makes a permanent custody determination. Some custody orders have expiration dates, but they are usually set to coincide with further court appearances. Eva

Does Florida honor Texas custody orders?

All states follow the Uniform Custody Law, except for Massachusetts. If you plan on making a permanent move however, you will have to file Custody orders in said state, because these are state laws.

Mother wanted to leave state with child to pursue career change. Judge awarded 'temporary custody' to father . What does this mean?

The father has temporary custody until the court has held a hearing, examined the issue from both sides and made a decision concerning a permanent custodial order.The father has temporary custody until the court has held a hearing, examined the issue from both sides and made a decision concerning a permanent custodial order.The father has temporary custody until the court has held a hearing, examined the issue from both sides and made a decision concerning a permanent custodial order.The father has temporary custody until the court has held a hearing, examined the issue from both sides and made a decision concerning a permanent custodial order.

How can you get your daughter back now that your mom's temporary custody has ended but still don't have a stable environment to raise your daughter in?

If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.