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Q: What is pgal and what is its role in the Calvin cycle?
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How many pgal molecules can there be during the Calvin cycle?

There can be up to 12 PGAL molecules during the Calvin cycle

PGAL is synthesized during?

Pgal is synthesized during the calvin cycle

What are most of the PGAL made in the Calvin cycle are used for?

PGAL is a major product of the Calvin Cycle. PGAL is produced and can be used in the light reactions, where they synthesize additional molecules of ATP and NADPH.

Which molecule represents the end product of the Calvin cycle?


Is PGAL formed in the Calvin cycle a six carbon compound?

No, 3 C.

Explain the relationship between PGAL and glucose?

PGAL is the end result of the Calvin cycle. To form glucose, it needs to go through gluconeogenesis.

How many turns of the calvin cycle are needed to produce a molecule of pgal how many molcules of atp and nadph are used in the process?

I'm pretty sure that it takes 2 PGAL's to make 1 glucose . It takes 6 turns of the Calvin cycle since 3 turns give you 1 PGAL.

How Do Plants use photosynthesis to make teir own food?

They take H2o and Co2 and then through the Calvin cycle, and the light cycle it produces PGAL. the o2 is oxidized to H2o, and the co2 is reduced to PGAL.

What is the biological significance of PGAL?

Calvin Cycle shown in link. PGAL - 1.Used to produce sugars etc.. 2.Used to regenerate the 5 carbon acceptor of CO2 (RuBP).

Which molecule from the Calvin Cycle is used to replenish the five-carbon sugar RuBP which is used a the beginning of the cycles?


What is the final product of the Calvin cycle that can be used as food?

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, also known as PGAL or G3P.

What is the chemical difference between PGA and PGAL?

PGAL (more commonly G3P) is what is created from PGA through the first steps of the Calvin Cycle of photosynthesis. A phosphate is added to PGA by ATP and a proton is added to PGA by NADPH. Then the phosphate is released and the resulting molecule is PGAL.