

What is physical material?

Updated: 12/25/2021
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Q: What is physical material?
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Why is it necessary to consider the physical properties of a material?

material's performance depends on its physical properties

Can a physical change form a new material?

No, if a new material forms that would be a chemical change. Physical changes always remain with the same material you began with.

Is malleability a physical or chemical change?

Malleability is a physical property of a material, not a change. It refers to the ability of a material to be hammered or pressed into a different shape without breaking.

What evidences a physical change?

"A physical change occurs when some of the properties of a material change, but the substances in the material remain the same." "...any actions that change the size and shape of a material, but not its composition." if the shape/form is changed but not its makeup, then that change is physical

When one material turns into a different material with different properties?

physical properties

Is poor conductor of electricity chemical or physical property?

Poor conductivity of electricity is a physical property, as it is determined by the material's ability to allow the flow of electric current. This property depends on the arrangement and behavior of the material's electrons, rather than its chemical composition.

Is a solution a chemical or physical?

A solution is a material not a change; dissolving is a physical process.

Why is density is a useful physical property for identifying substances?

Density is useful for identifying an unknown material because it is a physical constant. A physical constant is a unique characteristic of the material in question. This constant never change or vary with the shape or amount of the material/substance.

Is conducting electricity a physical or chemical property?

Conducting electricity is a physical property of a material, as it involves the movement of electrons within the material in response to an electric field. A material's ability to conduct electricity is determined by its atomic structure and how freely electrons can move within it.

Is tensile a chemical or physical property?

Tensile strength is a physical property that describes the ability of a material to resist breaking under tension. It is not a chemical property, as it is related to the physical behavior of the material when force is applied to it.

What is a physical possessions?

material things that you own

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