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when we dissolve a substance then first of all there may occur physical change like shape,colour,temperature etc. these changes are called physical changes.

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13y ago

Physical change. Reversible, By evaporating the solution [Dissolved mixture]

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Q: What is physically happening when water is dissolving a substance?
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it depends on what you mean by dissolve. sugar dissolving in water is just sugar molecules in water. but a hydrochloric acid solution dissolving your hand is a bit different.

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Solute and solvent?

The solvent is the substance that is dissolving something else. The solute is what is being dissolved. For example, if you were dissolving salt in water. The water would be the solvent and the salt would be the solute.

What kind of substance cannot dissolve in water?

A non-polar substance especially the one that does not react with water... Have you seen a powder not dissolving in water? its possible. take some amount of sulphur and put it in water. it will be floating in water. wont dissolve.