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Q: What is physiologic radiotracer uptake is present?
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What is physiologic distribution of radiotracer in a petscan?

Physiologic distribution of radiotracer in a pet scan is the normal functional distribution of the radiotracer. The radiotracer is radioactive tracer or radioactive chemical that is used during a pet scan to produce 3-dimensional, color images of the part of the body that is being scanned.

Can you get disability for radiotracer uptake of the skeletal system?

You can't get disability for radiotracer uptake if the amount is calculated properly and if you drink good amounts of water after the medical analysis.

What does radiotracer uptake mean?

There are several sites of 'increased radio tracer uptake... These are most intense in the low thoracic & lumbar spine, associated with the scoliotic curvature and degenerative change, likely explanatory in that regard... Minor asymmetry with respect to the uptake seen in bone of the anterior ... & seen in some of the left rib functions ,,,,with costochondral cartilage ...uncertain whether this relates to the positioning created by the scoliosis. ...There is a small focus of increased uptake in the mid cervical spine to left of midline, likely degenerative. ...There is uptake at both wrists and to lesser extent, both shoulders. ...that distribution likely degenerative related. ...There is a tiny focus in a toe of the right foot, nonspecific. ...Elsewhere, radiotracer uptake appears physiologic. IMPRESSION: Multiple sites of increased radiotracer uptake, as described. This distribution is either characteristic degenerative change to include especially the lumbar spine. Nonspecific focus in a right toe. Otherwise, none of these sites would be considered especially suspicious for metastasis.

What does physiologic uptake mean in a bone scan?

There is metabolic activity in the bone at levels expected through normal (physiologic) processes.

What does physiological increased uptake mean in a bone scan?

There is metabolic activity in the bone at levels expected through normal (physiologic) processes.

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How is the radiotracer used to treat thyroid disorder?

This is the iodine isotope 131I.

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