

What is plasma like?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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It is a bolt that can make a hole in the earth about 20 meters deep and can power a hole city for 24 hrs.Very deadly do not play with.

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Q: What is plasma like?
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What should your plasma look like?

your plasma looks like a nasty clear jell sort of like after birth

Gas like mixture of charged particles?

stars i think let me now is you figure it out please

Why is plasma in lighting?

Plasma is not in lightning, but rather lightning is plasma. Plasma is a state of matter, just like a solid, liquid, or gas. Plasma is a gas-like state made of very hot charged particles. The gases in the air are briefly converted to plasma then back to gas just like melting and refreezing ice.

Does plasma have a definite size and shape?

Like gas, plasma does not have a definite shape or a definite volume.

Why is there plasma in HDTVs?

There is only Plasma in Plasma HDTV's. Not all HDTV's. It is part of the technology that creates your picture. Like a tube in an older television.

How can you tell the model of an LG 1080P plasma tv?

it is like 1080 pixels plasma tv...

What are some plasma objects?

The Sun is made out of Plasma like many other Stars in the Universe.

Can plasma be found in street lights?

A plasma is a state of matter sohot that the electrons are no longer bound to the nucleus. It is like a soup of nucleii and free electrons. In very hot bulbs like Halogens, a plasma exists.

How does plasma propulsion work?

Plasma [propulsion works like a jet with ions for the gas or matter pushed out.

How are algae and fungi like?

a plasma membrane

What is plasma used for after a person donates plasma?

Plasma is used to make therapies that treat conditions like hemophila, immune deficiency, traumatic injuries, and more.

How would you define the plasma?

Plasma is called the forth state of matter in which a gas occurs inits ionic state.