

What is possessive for monkey?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is possessive for monkey?
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Related questions

What is the possessive form of monkey?

Monkey's is the possessive form for monkey

What is the possessive noun of monkey?

The possessive form of the noun monkey is monkey's.example: The children laughed at the monkey's antics.

What is the singular possessive for monkey?

The possessive form of the singular noun monkey is monkey's.example: The monkey's tail was wrapped around a branch.

What part of speech is the word monkey's?

Monkey's is a possessive noun. For example, the monkey's banana was still ripe.

What is a correct possessive noun for the coat of the circus monkey?

The possessive form is the circus monkey'scoat.

What is the plural possessive for the word monkey?

The plural form of the noun monkey is monkeys.The plural possessive form is monkeys'.example: The monkeys' cages were a big attraction for the children.

What is the singular possesive form of monkey?

<improved answer> The singular possessive form of monkey is monkey's. For a singular possession to be shown, you would formulate the sentence to show that the monkey has something (possession) or owns something (possession) by adding an apostrophe after monkey. Example: The monkey's hair was blonde.

Does monkeys require an apostrophe?

Not if you're talking about more than one monkey. You use an apostrophe to make a noun possessive. The monkey's behavior is odd, for example.

Can you give me examples of possessive nound?

Mary's bookThe monkey's bananaMy Mom's daughterYourHisHersTheirsOurs(I spell checked my answer)

Where do apostrophe monkey go?

The word monkey is a common singular noun. It requires no apostrophe.The monkey liked his food.If the word monkey has a possession or belonging, it needs an apostrophe.The monkey's food sat uneaten.The plural is monkeys; plural possessive is monkeys', such as monkeys' food.

What is the possessive noun of this phrases paw of the dog bike of Nick antics of a monkey parents of the student the tail of the crocodile activity for tomorrow ideas of the scientist?

The possessive forms are:the dog's pawNick's bikethe monkey's anticsthe student's parentsthe crocodile's tailtomorrow's activitythe scientist's ideas

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The singular possessive form are:ox; ox's (the ox's stall)wolf; wolf's (the wolf's howl)dish; dish's (the dish's color)roof; roof's (the roof's shingles)mother; mother's (my mother's car)elf; elf's (the elf's tiny clothes)friend; friend's (my friend's phone number)monkey; monkey's (the monkey's tail)man; man's (the man's briefcase)