

What is potato power?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Potato Power is making a battery from potatoes.

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Q: What is potato power?
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How do you get power from a potato?

When we heat the potato, power forms from heating potato.

What is in a potato that can make a potato make power?

cool thangs

Can you get power from a potato?

Yes, a potato is where the potato plant has stored it energy to produce a new potato plant in the next growing season. A potato is therefore an energy store and when you eat a potato this energy enters your body and you use it to heat your blood and to give you the power to move around.

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How odes potato power work?

potatoes can make various dinners. mashed potatoes is the most common. my favorites is a baked potato covered in bacon (there are many more dishes). so potato power can come from either of those dishes, and many more. potato power works from proteins, carbs, and fibers to work your body and keep it functioning.

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How does a potato clock work?

A potato can power a clock because all fruits and vegetables have an electric current in them, so the potato's act like a battery and supply the clock with electricity.

What does a potato have in it that makes it give power?

It has carbohydrates that can be induced to release electricity.

Is it best to charge an iPod with a onion or a potato?

A power outlet. :D

How many potato batteries does it take to power an alarm clock?


Does potato power technically count as a fuel cell because of its electrochemical processes and solid fuel source?

Potato power does not technically count as a fuel cell because of its electrochemical processes and solid fuel source.