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list and discuss three precondition of socialization

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James Ujah

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1mo ago

Pre-conditions of socialization include the development of basic social skills, such as communication and cooperation, as well as a basic understanding of societal norms and values. Additionally, the presence of social interaction opportunities, such as family, peers, and community, are essential for socialization to occur successfully.

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Q: What is pre-conditions of socialization?
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What is the difference between agents and agencies of socialization?

the agent of socialization are the people who socialize while agencies of socialization are the place where socialization take place

Components of socialization?

The components of socialization include primary socialization (learning norms and values from family), secondary socialization (learning from institutions like school or work), anticipatory socialization (learning expected behaviors for future roles), and resocialization (learning new norms and values in response to changes).

What is sequential vs variable socialization?

Sequential socialization refers to the process of socializing individuals in a predetermined order or sequence, such as in schools where children progress from one grade to the next. Variable socialization, on the other hand, allows for more flexibility in the socialization process, where individuals may interact with various groups or settings based on their interests or needs.

How culture and socialization are related?

Culture and socialization are closely related as culture plays a key role in shaping the socialization process. People learn cultural norms, values, and behaviors through socialization within their society or community. The beliefs and practices of a culture influence how individuals are socialized from a young age, guiding their interactions, expectations, and identity within society.

How do family and peer group socialization differ?

Family socialization refers to the process of learning and internalizing values, norms, and beliefs within one's family unit, while peer group socialization involves the influence of friends and peers on an individual's behavior, attitudes, and beliefs. Family socialization typically occurs from a young age and involves close and long-term relationships, whereas peer group socialization becomes more prominent during adolescence and involves influence from individuals of similar age and social status. Family socialization tends to focus on imparting foundational values and beliefs, while peer group socialization may lead to the adoption of trends, behaviors, and attitudes from the peer group.

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The Types of socialization are primary socialization, secondary socialization, development socialization, anticipatory socialization and resocialization. These are all anxiety disorders.

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The stages in socialization are: 1) Primary Socialization 2) Secondary Socialization 3) Anticipatory Socialization

How are a persons political attitudes and opinion developed?

Political socialization

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Lol i don't know either, sorry mate

What is the difference between agents and agencies of socialization?

the agent of socialization are the people who socialize while agencies of socialization are the place where socialization take place

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I think the american revolution is great to all over the world..............

What are the key preconditions to the industrial revolution?

stable government, money, product, natural resources.

What is anticipatory socialization?

anticipatory socialization is the rehersal of things in future

Components of socialization?

The components of socialization include primary socialization (learning norms and values from family), secondary socialization (learning from institutions like school or work), anticipatory socialization (learning expected behaviors for future roles), and resocialization (learning new norms and values in response to changes).

What is the factor that influence socialization process?

socialization process friends influence

Do Agents of socialization consist of instincts?

Socialization is not wholly instinctive, it is also learned.