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Today, all causes for sainthood must be investigated by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican. They may recommend to the pope that a case be approved for sainthood. The pope, alone, then makes the decision. Prior to the existence of the Sacred Congregation any bishop could declare a saint, usually at the urging of a parish, diocese or religious order. This came to an end in the 12th century. Those declared a saint in these early years are called precongregational saints

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Pre-congregation canonization refers to the process of recognizing someone as a saint in the Catholic Church before the formal canonization process was established. This occurred in the early centuries of the Church when local bishops or communities would venerate individuals as saints based on their holiness and martyrdom. It was later regulated by the Church to ensure a consistent and thorough process for canonization.

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What is pre-congregation canonization?

In the earlier times, saints were proclaimed to be saints by a local bishop, patriarch etc. and by popular devotion. Pre-congregation is when saints were canonized or declared to be saints, before the long and lengthy process that the Church has today to prove that they were saints, so the exact dates are not available.They are called pre-congregational because they were declared saints before the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints was instituted to investigate candidates for sainthood.

What is it called when a saint is declared a saint?

After years of studies and investigations by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican, the pope can approve the canonization of the person as a saint.

Is pre-congregation canonization after one is dead?

In the Vatican there is an office called the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints. The people in that office investigate potential candidates for sainthood. Once their investigation is completed the information is passed on to the Holy Father who will make the final decision. Those saints who had been declared saints before the existence of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints are called 'precongregational saints' since they did not go through the formal canonization process. They were simply declared saints by a local bishop at the request of local Christians. Today only the pope can declare sainthood and only after investigation by the Sacred Congregation.

What is the exact date that Saint Agnes was canonized?

No one knows the exact date. She was proclaimed a saint by popular acclamation long before there was an official procedure in the Vatican for canonization. She is classified as a "pre-congregational" saint - before the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints was established.

When was Saint Lucy of Syracuse canonized a saint?

Saint Lucy was not canonized. She was proclaimed a saint by earlyChristians because of her martyrdom. The canonization process did notcome into existence until the 12th century. In the primitive Church,martyrs were immediately recognized as witnessing to the perfection ofChristian life on earth, having shown the ultimate proof of their love forChrist by the offering of their lives. By the sacrifice of their livesfor Christ, they attained Heaven in eternal glory and were indissolublyunited to the Lord, the Head of the Mystical Body.Lucy died many years before their was an official canonization process. She would have been proclaimed by popular acclamation and approval of the local bishop.St. Lucy is a pre-congregational saint. She was declared a saint by popular acclamation long before there was an official canonization process. Therefore, we have no date for her canonization.

Who makes up the group that considers people for sainthood?

The Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints - headed by a bishop, archbishop or cardinal and includes a number of clergy and lay persons who investigate candidates for canonization.

When was Saint Demetria canonized?

The date is unknown because she was canonized pre-Congregation, meaning, before the establishment of the Sacred Congregation for Rites (1588 AD). Saint Demetria died c. 363 AD.

When was the canonization of Saint Paul the Hermit?

St. Paul the Hermit was never formally canonized, since he was reputed to be a saint before the Congregation for Saints began. There are many saints in a similar situation; the Church generally assumes that these people are worthy of the title, but does occasionally review a pre-congregation saint and remove them from the canon, the list of saints. In such cases, private devotion and veneration of the saint is still permitted, but the Church does not publicly venerate the saint. St. Paul the Hermit is still assumed by the Church to be a saint, but there has not been a formal investigation.

What is the postal address in the Vatican for the person in charge of testimony of miracles for canonization?

Each candidate for canonization has a postulator who investigates miracles and records testimony. Some are located in Rome, other postulators can be found in just about any country in the world. Once the postulators complete their work they submit the files to the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican.

What is the collective noun congregation?

The noun 'congregation' is a standard collective noun for:a congregation of churchgoersa congregation of crocodilesa congregation of eaglesa congregation of magpiesa congregation of peoplea congregation of ploversa congregation of rooksa congregation of starlingsa congregation of worshipers

What is the collective noun of congregation?

The noun 'congregation' is a standard collective noun for:a congregation of churchgoersa congregation of crocodilesa congregation of eaglesa congregation of magpiesa congregation of peoplea congregation of ploversa congregation of rooksa congregation of starlingsa congregation of worshipers

When did Saint Basil become a saint?

St. Basil the Great is a pre-congregational saint. He was declared a saint by popular acclaim before there was an official procedure in place for canonization.